Saturday, October 27, 2007

If I won't be myself, who will?

-Alfred Hitchcock

Okay, yesterday my word count was 695. Not gonna cut it for NaNoWriMo. Today I'll try to do better and write more.

The bad news is that we are all sick now, even my husband. I am really hoping this passes quickly. The GOOD news is that Baby Bear slept for SEVEN HOURS STRAIGHT last night!!! Woohoo! Even ill, my husband and I feel human today. It is amazing what sleep will do for our bodies and our minds.

Baby Bear is trying desperately to turn himself over from back to front. So far he can get to his side, but then can't decide how to move his bottom arm out of the way and use his top arm to get him over. Poor thing gets really frustrated by it these days. He is also trying to crawl, but ends up looking like a flailing sky diver because he hasn't realized that his feet need to push on the ground not in the air in order to propel him forward. It's tragic looking, but exceedingly adorable at the same time. Until he's had enough and begins to scream.

This week I ordered a book from called Dancing the Breeze for our little neighbor girl who is turning 2 in a couple of weeks. Her father is a gardener and plant connoisseur extraordinaire and when I picked this book up at a thrift shop for Princess last summer, I just knew it was the perfect story for their family.

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